THERE IS ONLY A CAPTAIN (cont'd) Gattuso, the truth. [] "I'm more of Milan's Galliani '. In his nine seasons of life Rossoneri Rino Gattuso has often repeated this sentence into effect, perhaps a way as any to keep under constant charge emotions, stimuli and adrenaline. And after all that red and black are the dominant colors in its chromosomes is now beyond dispute, as evidenced by the fact that the heart of the pure hard and typhoid has long been portrayed as "one of us, Gattuso one of us." The preamble is essential to understand the doubts that are populating the head of this man from the South, grew up in racing and effort, so stubborn in time to clear some coarse handicap technical, professional and generous heart in the everyday gestures that it is now crowned as one of the charismatic leaders in the sanctity of the locker room Milanello. Rino If today - after nine years and eight trophies - hesitates, ponders his future AC Milan, is certainly not because his ability to "be more of Milan's Galliani 'has watered down. Indeed ... And even a factor, as has also been suggested, the vexed question related to the legacy of Paolo Maldini. Of course, having proved lukewarm in the past ("These things are for those who dress jacket and tie, not for me '), now the captain's armband satisfy his pride and perhaps some misunderstanding may have given rise the club, promising in moments of euphoria to one hour (in race, representing a past rich in medals, there is also Ambrosini) now another (Kaka, substantially in the future), but this is not the crux of the problem. The real problem is "human" and is essentially in that Rino Gattuso, transparent like a piece of crystal, he realized that time has passed, leaving deep scars of his scrolls. It may be that this vintage complicated, daughter of the Japanese success in the World Club, has exacerbated latent illness in him, it is certain that in its self-critical analysis Ringhio has suddenly discovered naked, without the sacred fire of stimuli than once. And this mental obstacle, head weighted by the stresses and pressures of dozens of games always decisive, in or out, has come to sum up the awareness of not being the same in the physical. In its intellectual honesty (it is said so?) the marathon of Ancelotti has realized that, after thousands and thousands of miles spent running, endurance but also the brilliance, have tarnished: difficult for him as a hard mask with the magic of technology. A play of this type may be able to Kaka, a Golden Boot winner will not happen by chance, not a muscle altogether. Rino had been hit by a similar crisis of conscience already after the painful and somewhat unique defeat in Istanbul, but now, with two more years of successes and disappointments in the engine, the scenario is only apparently similar to that of 'Summer of 2005. Find thirty to go back and forth on the band may be untenable even for those who have made the effort the star of his life, and here, of course, mix well the immutability of a module that has never been kind to him and the lack of alternatives that might also send in a sanatorium and Pirlo Ambrosini.
is why Milan's Gennaro Gattuso doc Schiavonea by Corigliano, Cosenza, dreams of going hunting for a little more football and less intoxicating, of course outside the country borders. And while some might suspect the opposite, it is not a matter of money. "For players who are earning too much" is another of his slogans. One way is in its own way an idealist and perhaps could retrace his steps on the old road. Because you are no longer the case for AC Milan Galliani. to be "Galliani Milan fans more than" simply not being born in Monza
Goeb of faith. But this is not the point. For almost three years,
Shevalove tells the truth you do not read the print speed and do not listen on channels Bulgarian:
the truth of the People Rossonero , that is the old heart that still beats in some areas of San Siro depressed but not divided up by institutional sponsors and the curve of the employees ultras sing on command. tells the story of a stubborn group of men and predestined, who managed to survive the night of witches, and even Turkish to himself, to close the circle
fantastic of revenge against Liverpool and Boca Juniors. The cycle of AC Milan's Carlo Ancelotti was over in Istanbul May 25, 2005, and Rino Gattuso - the only true captain on the field
of that group - perhaps understood him a moment before the various Kaka, Pirlo and Shevchenko: right to mention the names of those who, among the coup and massacre dell'Ataturk Calciopoli white, had already decided to make a change in their lives. The story then tells of the fantastic four - for a variety of reasons that I will be over-emphasized - was sacrificed only the Balon d'Or, with what shelves for the first time in two decades Berlusconi physiologically deificitario a budget. Other than the rhymes on "traitor."
Ringo has pulled the plug by not less than one year: say (bitterly) since it appears more often in television commercials in which scores of balloons recovered at midfield. Nevertheless, for two years sends a clear and unambiguous signals
society: the rose is revived, less calciomarketing and more transfers. In Rino veritas. The outcome of his lamentations to this day has taken the features of the various unworthy Bobone Vieri, Marcio Amoroso, "Erre point" Oliveira, Ronaldo, Emerson, Ronaldinho, and perhaps follow. How would his friend on the set Pupone Roman
Famo to understand ... Sad to see, but that Gattuso is just another face (One of the many lost to the cause) of the progressive decline
a dream that was once called
Milan. Reach the infamous "minimum target" Galliani Ancelotti & (
financial goal and not sports ) would only be extended by another year the misunderstanding of the "immortals" and the slow death of our poor devil. From Rossonero is not a wishful participation in the Champions League that I hope for 2009, but finally a competitive season in Italy. And why not, another ride to the only European trophy that is not on the board of Via Turati. Then start to dream that
more star Sewing on the chest.